Tuesday, 16 April 2013

April and May News

Hello everyone! 
Anyone noticed where this year has gone so far? Some of us would like a clue please….
Kate continues to mend and move about and hopefully join us at a forthcoming meeting. It would be so good to have her back in the fold.

Shows coming up:
Uttoxeter show, from 26 – 28 April. 
There is still time to get online tickets at reduced prices from those on the door. Please contact Ann Jermey if you are still needing to have quilts transported there. 
Malvern Spring Show, from 16 – 19 May. 
Again, there is still time to get advance tickets at a reduced door rate. 
Wombourne show, on 21 September. 
Should be a good day out!  DO put this one in your diaries and come along and help out.  All volunteers will be welcome and offered appropriate tasks.  Needn’t be for all day, just let one of the Committee members know what you can do.

Programme events:
17th April we have Ann Jermey bringing ‘Squares to Play With’.  I don’t know about you, but I am always surprised by how Ann gently moves me to mix colours and colour placements that I would never have thought of. Should be another fun session.
1st May we have Gill Bates and her daughter guiding us through a button making session.  The buttons will not be finished this evening, but will be taken away, fired and then brought back for us to have another great play with. Our own designs! 
11th May we have organised an away day at the Bradmore Community Centre.  As our last show drew a lot of interest, and income, from the bags raffle, we have decided to repeat the experience, and in line with that have set aside this date for a bags workshop. 
Not everyone likes making bags, so if you want to use the day to finish things off, or start something else new, this would be a good opportunity. The day is from 10am to 4pm, bring your own sandwiches but there will be drinks opportunities as always. 
Cost for the workshop day per person will be minimal.  If you have any bag patterns you would like to share, please bring them along.  Gill Biel has a range of patterns she is happy to share with you.  Bring your  own sewing kits and fabrics,
15thMay is our Annual General Meeting.  How that’s come around again!  You will all have received the minutes from the last AGM, either via email, or by hand, so please have a look at what was discussed and agreed at last years meeting before this next one.  I will have only one or two spares with me at the next meeting.
*For the AGM please also bring some food to share, and if you can spare some, raffle items would be welcome.

It always crops up, but at the last AGM we acknowledged that there would be a gap in the yearly subs as we approach the reorganisation annual programme to coincide with subs payment.  I have to say that the gap is now almost upon us, and that £12 in subs to carry us over to September will be due at the May meetings.  

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Pin Cushion Evening - workshop by Janet Bevan

It was a small but select group that gathered on Wednesday for Janet Bevan's pincushion mini-workshop.  Janet had brought lots of gorgeous felted jumpers for us to cut up, and lots of lovely ideas for embellishing our pincushions.  As you can see we all managed to almost complete one.

 the jumpers
  the group working hard
Who's eaten too many Easter eggs? Gill?
 ideas for embellishments
the finished objects!

Thanks for a fabulous evening Janet!