Monday, 15 July 2013

July News

Wombourne Quilters Newsletter

July 2013 Last update for our quilter’s year.

Hello again everyone.  Well the meeting we have for this week is the last one for this current programme.  On behalf of all your Committee members I want to thank you all for your attendance over the past few months on what has been a different kind of programme.  
Your new programme is almost ready, and we will have it with us and be talking it through with you at Wednesdays meeting.  There’s plenty of variety, and we have taken your comments to heart in its planning. Do come along and bring some sewing with you.  Think of it as a Sit and Sew session.
The forthcoming show continues to occupy our time and our advertising flyers continue to be dished out to people who could deliver them to the various venues.  If you are able to, and/or know of somewhere we might advertise our show, please get in touch, as the wider audience we have the better for us all.
Just as a reminder……..
At the last meeting we discussed who would take responsibility during the show for particular aspects of that show.
Mary Dean brought some great bunting, and has agreed to set up the Baby Baggage area.
Janet Bevan has already agreed to look after the Postcard competition.
Gill Biel will be looking after the bags display and raffle.
I’ll be looking after the Fabric Tombola (Please start saving your plastic bottle tops…)
Jane Williams and Ronnie Smart will be doing the catering.
As you will see, this leaves not much room for manoeuvre, so for the members who weren’t at the lastmeeting, we still need volunteers to take part in the show, and be willing to spell (relieve)people during the day. We need quilt angels, help with drinks for stallholders,help with setting up and taking down at the end of the day.  It will be a long day, so having a break will be essential for all involved, and even if you can do only a part of the day, your contribution will be greatly appreciated.  
Please do let me know what time you can offer on the day. We are anticipating to start setting up on the evening of 20th September, times to be confirmed, but there will be only about an hour or so at that time.  We anticipate opening the venue at 7am on the 21st, so it will be important to have as many people available as possible.  Bring along family and friends to help as well?The show will close at 5pm and we will take everything down then.  Taking down is always quicker than setting up.

On to other things now.
Your first quilt, and your worst effort.  It was fun!  Some ‘disasters’, as in mine, elicited some good ideas on what to do with them.  I bet Linusnever banked on getting a couple of red and black quilts that I really, really disliked!!
As a result of the sterling effort of one of our members, Wombourne shops have been wellcovered with a whole load of our show flyers. Your committee decided it was not cost effective to go through the process of laminating flyers at this stage, so we will not be doing this on Wednesday.Many thanks to you all for your help in distributing flyers.  We still have some flyers if anyone wants more to distribute
Those of you intending to have items in our show, please could you make a note for us by this last meeting (this Wednesday) so that we can plan our strategy for setting up the show?
Just as a reminder, there will be a showcase of workshop items in the show, and the list is rather long.  Please hunt some of your work out to add to the show.

Workshops since last show

Elizabeth Hall Spring tree
Ani Catt Underwater scene
Gail Lawther  Land of the long white cloud
Stephanie Redfern Still life
Sheila Smith Felted textures
Annette Emms bookwraps
Edwina Mackinnon Kaleidoscope quilts

Applique  Denise Smith
Silk painting Sheila Hall
3D flowers Gill Biel
Drawing and painting on fabric Jan Bevan
Take one stitch Carole Auden
Tatted and crochet flowers Carol and Carole

Tea bag collage Gill Biel
Making a felt corsage Denise Smith
Denim jeans panel Jan Bevan
Needle felted embellished brooch Gill Biel
Fabric from paper Janet Leeper
Pincushions Jan Bevan
Buttons Gill Bates

I’ve had several enquiries about the postcard competition from outside the region, which is rather nice.  There will be a session on postcard construction on our return in September, and you might like to have a go.  Its fun.
Diary dates:
On our return in September, subs will be due, and as agreed will be £35 for the year, and £20 for the half year.
There are several events coming up in the next few months that are advertised in the Region 11 Newsletter, and you can have a look at the newsletter at the next and future meetings.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

July News

Hello again everyone.  We had a good meeting on 19th June, and a lot was seen and done, so you might want to sit down with a cuppa to read all about it.
The forthcoming show was discussed and our advertising flyers dished out to people who could deliver them to the various venues.  If you are able to, and/or know of somewhere we might advertise our show, please get in touch, as the wider audience we have the better for us all.
Remember those buttons?  Well Gill came along with the finished articles, and they were a rare treat.  The colours were so vibrant, and our efforts were beautifully finished with the glazes of our choice.  I suspect that, like me, some members had difficulty recognising their own buttons and pendant items. Several members were unable to attend on the evening we made them, and at their request I have asked if we could repeat the session on 7th May next year.  Lorraine (Gill’s daughter) will confirm as soon as she can check her diary.
Remember the Round Robin Crazy patchwork this last year?  Despite problems of circulation and completion, they were just so lovely to see.  Each one was passed around and there was delight over some of the embroideries and stitching done on the blocks.  Despite the pleasure at seeing all our blocks coming home, it feels like we should now have a rest from Round Robins for awhile. 
Back to our show now. At the meeting we discussed who would take responsibility during the show for particular aspects of that show.
For the members who weren’t at the last meeting, we still need volunteers to take part , and be willing to spell (relieve) people during the day. We need quilt angels, help with drinks for stallholders, help with setting up and taking down at the end of the day.  It will be a long day, so having a break will be essential for all involved, and even if you can do only a part of the day, your contribution will be greatly appreciated. 
Please do let me know what time you can offer on the day. We are anticipating to start setting up on the evening of 20th September, times to be confirmed, but there will be only about an hour or so at that time.  We anticipate opening the venue at 7am on the 21st, so it will be important to have as many people available as possible.  The show will close at 5pm and we will take everything down then.  Taking down is always quicker than setting up.
On to other things now.
July 3rd meeting is next, and we will be having strawberries and cream that evening.  No need to bring food, the strawberries will likely be enough.  On that evening we decided to have a Show and Tell session.  Some of you will have work ready (or almost) for our show, so this time we’re asking you to bring just two items.  Your first quilt, and your worst effort.  It should be a laugh.  Not at your expense, but I often wonder how I managed to make a right old mess of some things….
We decided to do some fancying up of the adverts that will be going to the shops in Wombourne, and one idea approved was to laminate flyers and attach some small swatches of patchwork fabric.  We’ll be doing this on our last meeting, on 17th July, and the flyers will go out during our summer recess.  They should be eyecatching for potential visitors.  No need to bring anything to that meeting, all materials will be provided.
Those of you intending to have items in our show, please could you make a note for us by this last meeting (17th July) so that we can plan our strategy for setting up the show?
There will be a showcase of workshop items, and the list is rather long.  Please hunt some of your work out to add to the show.
Workshops since last show

Elizabeth Hall Spring tree
Ani Catt Underwater scene
Gail Lawther  Land of the long white cloud
Stephanie Redfern Still life
Sheila Smith Felted textures
Annette Emms bookwraps
Edwina Mackinnon Kaleidoscope quilts

Applique  Denise Smith
Silk painting Sheila Hall
3D flowers Gill Biel
Drawing and painting on fabric Jan Bevan
Take one stitch Carole Auden
Tatted and crochet flowers Carol and Carole

Tea bag collage Gill Biel
Making a felt corsage Denise Smith
Denim jeans panel Jan Bevan
Needle felted embellished brooch Gill Biel
Fabric from paper Janet Leeper
Pincushions Jan Bevan
Buttons Gill Bates

Diary dates:
On our last meeting in July, there will be an interim programme, for the first half of the quilters year, unless we can have all our requests confirmed, in which case you will have a full programme to peruse over the summer break.  Clare will have the programme on our Blog, so you can always get a peek there.
On our return in September, subs will be due, and as agreed will be £35 for the year, and £20 for the half year.
Tuesday 25th June, Bridgnorth Quilters are holding a Show and Tell evening starting at 7.30pm in the Bridgnorth Baptist Church, West Castle Street.  I’ve been to previous ones and of course spent money and shown one or two items.  Its another fun event and we are always made welcome.
29th June is the Regional Day for Region Eleven, us.  This year it will be held in Areley Kings, Stourport, and the speaker for the day is Jan Hassard.  There will be an exhibition of quilts, including the Regional Challenge, and a range of vendors.  QG members £7 and non-members £10.50.  For those who haven’t been to a Regional Day before, I can assure you that they are good fun, a great place to meet old friends, have a natter, and of course see some fine quilts.
There are several events coming up in the next few months that are advertised in the Region 11 Newsletter, and you can have a look at the newsletter at the next and future meetings.

Best wishes to you all

Carole Auden