Many thanks to all of you who came to our AGM, and made it such a lively meeting. There was plenty of dialogue following the Acting Group Leader’s and Treasurer’s reports for the preceding year, and minutes of this meeting will be forwarded to you as soon as possible.
Our current programme of events has a little while to run yet, and in June, the meetings will focus on the following:
June 6th, Sit and Sew. At the same time Carol, Gill and I will be doing something with the bobbles that are the ends of drawstrings, ties, that sort of thing. No need to bring anything with you especially, (though a small sewing kit and thimble would be good, maybe a couple of 4” squares in your favourite colours) as there will be an opportunity to have a play with the stuff I bring. Useful for bags for our show maybe..?
June 19th, Final date for the showing of this year’s Crazy Quilt Round Robin. It’s been more of a challenge this year because of different events, but I’m sure we will be pleasantly surprised by the results. These blocks would look good for display in our Quilt Show, so I hope you will allow your committee to keep them until then
Diary dates:
Tuesday 25th June, Bridgnorth Quilters are holding a Show and Tell evening starting at 7.30pmin the Bridgnorth Baptist Church, West Castle Street. I’ve been to previous ones and of course spent money and shown one or two items. Its another fun event and we are always made welcome.
29th June is the Regional Day for Region Eleven, us. This year it will be held in Arely Kings, Stourport, and the speaker for the day is Jan Hassard. There will be an exhibition of quilts, including the Regional Challenge, and a range of vendors. QG members £7 and non-members £10.50. For those who haven’t been to a Regional Day before, I can assure you that they are good fun, a great place to meet old friends, have a natter, and of course see some fine quilts.
Best wishes
Carole Auden